E30 M3 CD-ROM Repair Manual Updates and Corrections
Errors in V2.7
BMW has updated the torque specs for the S14 rod bolts since the release of the E30 M3 CD. The new value is 55
Nm and the bolts must be replaced. BMW has not published an explanation for this change.
The Engine Valve Adjustment Procedure is missing from all of the CD indexes. The page is located at E:\11_engine\1134004.htm (assuming E: is your CD-ROM drive)
In the Fuel Pump, Removal and Installation section, please ignore all comments regarding a "one pump" system. All E30 M3s have two fuel pumps.
Errors in V2.6
On some early copies of 2.6, the Upper Oil Pan Removal link actually redirects to the Lower Oil Pan Removal page. The actual location for the Upper Oil Pan Removal page should be E:\11_engine\1113010.htm (assuming E: is your CD-ROM drive)
You can report bugs on any version of the CD by sending an email to bugs@koalamotorsport.com. Please include your version number, which is found on the disc itself. If no number is on your disc, you have version 1.0.